Baby Jogger City Select Double Stroller Reviews

As a new parent, you want to make sure that your little one is safe and comfortable in their stroller. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your baby.

Baby Jogger City Select Double Stroller Reviews

That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive review of the baby jogger city select double stroller reviews. In this blog, we will give you an overview of the stroller and its features, as well as compare it with other popular models. We will also discuss the importance of having a reversible toddler seat and strollers that convert from a single to a double. Lastly, we’ll cover how to care for and maintain your stroller so that it lasts for years to come. Let’s dive in!

Our Top 6 Picks Product for Baby Jogger City Double Stroller Reviews

1. BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double Jogging Stroller

The Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Ultra-Compact Travel Stroller remains unrivalled as the best stroller on the market for its superb convenience and comfort, a highly recommended option for parents on the move. Lightweight and compact enough to be held in one arm, it is the quintessential Baby Jogger Travel Stroller.

Whether it’s for quick errands around the neighbourhood or globetrotting adventures, this fantastic stroller promises smooth journeys for your little darling and hassle-free portability for you. So, mom and dad, when it comes to convenience and baby’s comfort, the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 stands undefeated!


  • It’s a lightweight product
  • Easy Maintenance
  • This Product Provide Smooth Handling
  • Easy Adaptable
  • Variety Colors


  • Not Carry Comfortable
  • High Price

2. Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 All-Terrain Double Stroller

Looking for the ultimate stroller in baby paraphernalia? You will absolutely adore the Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 All-Terrain Double Stroller. It is perfect for busy parents like you who are always on the go. Its magnificent all-terrain wheels will give you a smooth ride no matter where you stroll, and the comfy seats are great for leisurely walks.

This nimble double stroller will let you and your little ones experience every nook and cranny of the city without trouble. And what we love about this Baby Jogger Stroller is it comes with an easy-to-use handbrake and an adjustable handlebar, so no matter how tall you are, pushing it is a breeze. It’s certainly the top choice for parents seeking stylish, multi-functional and superior-quality strollers.


  • It is extremely smooth
  • Easy Maintainance
  • This Product is Smoothly Running
  • Easy Setup


  • Expensive Price this Product

3. BOB Gear Revolution Flex

Have you ever wished your stroller was as comfortable as your baby’s crib? Enter the BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 – a Baby Jogging Stroller that’s truly in a league of its own! Awarded as the best stroller for its premium quality, this rear suspension stroller is designed to take on any terrain while providing the smoothest ride for your precious little one.

Perfect for both city and country use, its adjustable handlebar makes it easy for parents of all heights to push and control. Ready for a revolution in your baby’s comfort and convenience? Make the smart choice with the Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller today!


  • A great double-running stroller
  • Supper Smooth Running
  • Easy Foldable
  • Adaptable to Car Seats on This Product


  • Bulky, heavy, and takes up a lot of space but it’s dependable

4. Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 All-Terrain Stroller

Hello folks! We’re thrilled to present the Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 All-Terrain Stroller. It’s hard not to declare it as hands down one of the best strollers in its class when it offers incredible versatility and comfort! It’s also a fantastic Baby Jogging Stroller, making it a perfect fit for active parents.

You’ll appreciate its ability to withstand every bump and dip in the pavement while ensuring a smooth, comfy ride for your child. With the City Mini GT2, you can take joy in every journey, knowing your little one is comfy and secure. Step up your strolling game today with this remarkable baby gear!


  • Smooth ride, with an insane turning radius, you can push it with one hand.
  • Lay flat ride option with the footrest is amazing. When the baby falls asleep this is very comfortable. Also, you can use the lay flat to change diapers discreetly with the shade over. This is awesome because my daughter doesn’t like changing tables.
  • Easy to brake and stays put
  • The canopy is huge and provides shade and the peek-through windows are the best
  • The magnetic closure is genius
  • Easy to unfold and fold


  • Access to the basket underneath. It’s not ideal, there’s a bar across the back that is cumbersome. And the basket overall is pretty small. You just end up taking less stuff
  • To High Price Range

5. Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller by Delta Children

Keeping an active lifestyle with your little one by your side has never been easier with the best stroller on the market: the Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller by Delta Children. This stylish and innovative Baby Jogging Stroller offers a smooth ride, superior manoeuvrability, and an overall hassle-free strolling experience.

Every feature has been designed to deliver optimal performance: the air-filled rubber tires provide a smooth ride, the extendable canopy keeps your little one protected, and the reflective harnesses ensure safety during the late afternoon or evening strolls. Beyond its awesome functionality, with its Jeep design cues and Delta Children craftsmanship, this stroller is also a definite head-turner. With Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller, every journey becomes an adventure.


  • Easy to push and works well on many different surfaces. The ability to lock the front wheel helps a lot for off-road terrain.
  • Fairly lightweight and easy to fold – even throughout most of my second pregnancy I was able to lift it in and out of our SUV trunk.
  • All parts of the stroller have held up incredibly well.
  • Storage is not ideal, but functional for carrying quite a few lighter items (not the full diaper bag) and fairly easy to access even when the stroller is fully reclined. We typically bring water bottles, sunscreen, an extra blanket and a few snacks.
  • Our favourite part is that baby #1 has been very comfortable in this stroller, in fact, it’s become our fail-safe method for nap time and plan many of our walks around it.


  • A bit heavy in weight
  • Some users find the relatively small wheels less suitable for tackling extremely uneven terrain

6. Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller

Hello to all the active parents out there searching for the best stroller for your little one! We highly recommend the Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller. This jogger-style stroller is a marvel of baby-transport engineering! It’s built with large bicycle tires, so you can smoothly glide through any urban or forest terrain, providing a comfortable ride for your baby.

For your convenience, it also comes with a parent tray with two cup holders and a storage compartment. Speaking of comfort, this Baby Jogger Stroller is fitted with a reclining, padded seat to ensure your baby stays calm, content, and cosy throughout your jog. Try it to believe it!


  • To Price is Low
  • Smooth and Perfect Riding
  • The stroller features a padded and reclining seat that allows your baby to nap comfortably during walks or jogs.
  • The adjustable canopy protects your baby from the sun and wind
  • Easy Folding


  • This Seat is too Small
  • Bulky and Heavy Weight

What Should I Look for Baby Jogger Stroller?

Strollers that convert from a single to a double offer versatility for growing families. They eliminate the need to purchase a separate double stroller and allow siblings of different ages to ride together comfortably. With adjustable seating configurations, they provide convenience and flexibility for various outings and activities.

Stroller care and maintenance

To ensure the longevity of your stroller, it is essential to prioritize proper care and maintenance. Cleaning plays a crucial role in keeping your stroller in pristine condition. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance to avoid any damage. Spot-clean the fabric with mild soap and water to remove any stains or spills.

Regularly Wipe Down the Frame

Regularly wipe down the frame and wheels to eliminate dirt and debris buildup. Don’t forget to check and clean the brake system for proper functioning. Additionally, inspect and tighten screws and bolts as needed to keep your stroller sturdy and safe for your little one.


To keep your baby jogger stroller in great condition, regular cleaning is essential. Start by using mild soap and water to clean both the stroller frame and fabric. Make sure to remove the wheels and clean them separately using a damp cloth.

Avoid harsh chemicals that can potentially damage the stroller. For hard-to-reach areas, use a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or debris. Lastly, it’s crucial to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper cleaning and maintenance. By taking care of your stroller, it’ll withstand the test of time and continue to be a reliable companion on your adventures with your little one.


Regular upkeep is vital to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your baby jogger stroller. Keep it clean by regularly wiping down the frame and fabric with mild soap and water. Lubricate the moving parts for smooth operation and to prevent wear and tear.

It’s important to check the tire pressure and condition regularly, replacing worn-out tires promptly to avoid accidents. Store the stroller in a cool and dry place to prevent rust and deterioration. Always follow the manufacturer’s maintenance and repair instructions, avoiding any DIY repairs.

How easy is it to store?

Storing Baby Jogger strollers is a breeze, thanks to their compact folding mechanisms. With one-handed fold technology and some models allowing folding with the seat attached, convenience is key. Just make sure to check the dimensions to ensure it fits in your preferred storage space.

What age child is it best for?

The Baby Jogger Stroller is suitable for newborns to toddlers, designed to cater to children of various ages and stages. It can also accommodate infants with compatible car seats and has adjustable features that grow with your child. Providing a comfortable and secure ride, it is perfect for children of all ages.

Overview of the Stroller

The stroller is designed to be lightweight and compact, allowing for easy manoeuvrability. It is compatible with various infant car seat brands, providing convenience for parents on the go. The adjustable handlebar accommodates different heights, ensuring comfort for all users.

Ensuring Comfort for All Users

With its sturdy construction and durable materials, this stroller is built to last and withstand the test of time. Additionally, the multiple recline positions allow for customizable comfort, ensuring that your little one can nap or sit up comfortably while you’re out and about.

Looking for something else?

Looking for more options to meet your stroller needs? Check out our selection of convenient and functional stroller accessories. We also offer travel systems, double strollers, jogging strollers, and versatile full-size strollers. Explore our range for the perfect fit for your lifestyle.

Baby Jogger City Mini vs City Mini GT2

The Baby Jogger City Mini and City Mini GT2 are both great options for parents looking for a reliable and convenient stroller. The City Mini stands out for its lightweight design and easy manoeuvrability, making it perfect for navigating crowded spaces.

On the other hand, the City Mini GT2 takes it up a notch with all-wheel suspension, ensuring a smooth ride on any terrain. Both models feature adjustable canopies for sun protection, but the City Mini GT2 has a higher weight capacity, accommodating older children. Additionally, the City Mini GT2 offers an adjustable handlebar for added comfort.

Ensuring a Smooth Ride

How important is it to have a reversible toddler seat?

Having a reversible toddler seat in a stroller is essential for flexibility and interaction between parent and child. It allows for both parent-facing positions, promoting bonding and monitoring, as well as forward-facing positions, encouraging independence and exploration. It caters to different stages of child development and preferences, while also providing customization options based on the environment and situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a jogger or regular stroller better?

When it comes to choosing between a jogger stroller and a regular stroller, it really depends on your specific needs and lifestyle. Jogger strollers are perfect for parents who want to stay active and exercise with their children, while regular strollers are better suited for everyday use and navigating crowded areas. Consider factors like terrain, storage space, and manoeuvrability to determine which type of stroller is best for you.

Are jogger strollers good for newborns?

Jogger strollers should not be used for newborns as they lack adequate head and neck support. It is best to wait until the baby is at least six months old before using a jogger stroller. Some jogger strollers offer car seat adapters for infants, but it’s always important to consult with your paediatrician first.

What is the top-rated stroller?

There is no definitive answer to the “top-rated” stroller as it varies based on personal preferences. However, highly rated baby jogger strollers include the City Mini GT2, City Select LUX, and Summit X3. Consider factors like size, weight capacity, manoeuvrability, and storage space when choosing a stroller. Read reviews and try out different models before making a decision.

Is the Baby Jogger City Tour stroller lightweight?

Yes, the Baby Jogger City Tour stroller is indeed lightweight. With a weight of only 14 pounds, it is easy to carry and manoeuvre. Designed for travel, it can be folded into a compact size. Despite its lightness, the stroller is still sturdy and durable.

What is the price range for Baby Jogger strollers and is it worth the investment?

The price range for Baby Jogger strollers varies, starting from around $200 and going up to over $1000, depending on the model and features. With their reputation for high quality and durability, Baby Jogger strollers are considered a worthwhile investment for parents who value these qualities. When deciding if it’s worth it for you, consider your budget and specific needs. Look out for sales or discounts to help offset the cost.


In conclusion, when it comes to choosing a baby jogger stroller, it is important to consider factors such as the overall design, functionality, and ease of use. The Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 offers excellent manoeuvrability and a comfortable ride for both parent and child. It also has a reversible toddler seat and the option to convert from a single to a double stroller, making it versatile for growing families.

Additionally, proper care and maintenance are essential to ensure the longevity of your stroller. Keep it clean, perform regular maintenance tasks, and store it in a safe and convenient place. Overall, investing in a high-quality baby jogger stroller like the Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 will provide you with a reliable and enjoyable experience while out and about with your little one.

Jackle Adoms

Hello, my name is Jackle Adoms. I live with my 2 lovely kidos. I have a smart beautiful, curious 4 years old daughter, a handsome 8 years ols son. I feel that I’m now continually phasing in and out of each stage of parenting! I’ve learned a lot about the way children learn and behave, especially in a school setting with regards to curriculum. I enjoy sharing that insight through my writing and hope that it can help others. If you want to send Jackle a quick message, then visit this contact page here.

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